Thursday, April 26, 2007

Smarts are not rich

A Wealth of Smarts Does Not Guarantee Actual Wealth: Scientific American

April 24, 2007

A Wealth of Smarts Does Not Guarantee Actual Wealth
A new analysis of data from a long-term study shows that you don't have to be smart to be wealthy
By David Biello

Just because you are smart doesn't mean you can balance a checkbook, or tackle any of the other tasks that might make you wealthy. A detailed study of 7,000-plus Americans followed since their teen years in the late 1970s reveals that intelligence provides more earning power but not necessarily more accumulated wealth. "The smarter you are, the more income you have," explains economist Jay Zagorsky of Ohio State University, who analyzed the data. "For wealth, there is no relationship."

***Well, we have to exclude Bill Gates here, and I guess, Warren Buffett.  They are definitely smart.

Smart people feel a lot of pressure.  That's why they don't deliver as much.  They won't try small time jobs because they feel these are below them.  They don't know that real money flows from these small jobs - because you can meet real people there.

Smart people don't connect as much.  And wealth is about social skills.  One needs to connect.  And stop blogging. 

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