Monday, March 17, 2008

Searching for Wisdom

I found out how little we regard Philosophy.

Yesterday, I went to Powerbooks in MegaMall, and searched for the section on Philosophy. It was a big enough place with so many books - my kind of place. But, no Philosophy section. I would have given up already, after passing by the Classics Section (I thought, at least, the Dialogues would be there) and Psychology (well, in some National Book stores, they mix up Psych books and Philo books). Then, when I get to the Children Section (with a huge sign you cannot miss) to admire their collection of children's books, I saw a small unsigned rack that goes with the books of Occultism - Witchcraft, Ghosts, Kulam and Quabbalism. Then, I saw the eyes of Descartes peeping through Realism volume (Vol. 4 of about 10 encyclopedic collection of works from different Philosophy eras - costing 1,500 a piece). I found them at last. There were books about Locke, Spinoza, Leibniz, etc.

I found it odd though that Philosophy should be placed beside Occultism, unsigned (the sign nearest it says "CHILDREN'S BOOKS"), totally forgotten.

It's understandable though. So few would really look inside him/herself and ask for the meaning and purpose of life. So few would really challenge the prevailing view - the status quo of knowledge - to embrace truth cloaked with persecution and excommunion. So few would read a hundred or so pages a day from various disciplines - just so in the end, s/he would find the peace of his/her own soul. Finally, so few would raise their eyes from the world of material wealth, concerns, and anxieties - in order to contemplate on the ultimate questions of life, love, freedom, immortality, and God.

Although I find it more odd (curioser, says Alice) that one book of Philosophy costs 800 when all the author did was to compile the things written by other writers.

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