Thursday, December 29, 2005

In love with Love

While I was talking to my former student - he does not want to be named - I realized how far I have become. I saw myself in his eyes, the difference lies only with my not having a Pajero. Oh, and my not having a brace. Oh and also, my not studying at an expensive school as LaSalle (which, Andy my favorite classmate says, rhymes with mahal). And a thousand other things pa.
Anyways, we talked about his love life. Wow! Come to think of it, I never get to write about that anymore. I remember when I was young it's the only topic I ever talk and write about. I used to think- is there anything really worth writing about? Well, to the point that somebody - I don't remember now who - told me that I better write something other than love if ever I wanted to be a good writer. I never became one.
Anyways, through the years, come to think of it, I shied away slowly but surely on the topic and now became ...a monster. An unhearted one. That is why so few listen to my stories now, or read my letters. Ha! Anyways, when I was speaking with my fellow LaSallian - who calls me pare now - I come to realize that young people need a lot of sound advice when it comes to this abstract concept.
When I was younger I used to think of it as something so sacred and divine. I was so much in love with LOVE, the idea of loving a person so dearly that I soon realized this cannot be true in reality. That someone exists for you alone, and when you find that person, you got to hold of her and never let her go. It's a point in your lifetime, when all the things seem lucid. In fact, it is. That day, you will realize that you have found your eternity right before your eyes. But when you look back, it is not that actually. In real life, few things happen close to that magical moment - that suddenly the world stops rotating or revolving, and everything seems right in the world, and then, your eyes and hers will meet in that one shot magical moment in the your whole life - I got lost in the words. As I was saying, those events seldom happen. Love happens when you are busy thinking of other things. It's like you are watching this stupid show in this stupid theater, then, suddenly, this beauiful girl comes up and asks you for a light. Then, you thought it is her. You followed her all your life, only to end up with her sister pala. Or her mother. Or worse, her brother. It's crap, you know, if you understand me at all.
Anyways, what did I tell Luis? Oh-oh, I don't erase the things I write, pare. Sorry. I told him to take it easy on his angel - she knows who she is. That in order for him to be sane for the greatest part of his young life, he has to get real. He has to enjoy the little things that come his way because, who knows? His lifetime may come from all these stupidly ordinary things. I told him not to so much focus on one girl. That he must go out to meet a lot of friends, and date them once in a while. It's a heavenly thing to think of your once-in-a-lifetime girl coming down from Etheria or Encantadia. But, as I said, they don't happen everyday. One in thirty five million it will happen to you, but if it does, you have to clasp it in your heart. You know, if you believe in reincarnation and those silly stuffs I believe in, you realize that this 1 in 35Million chance is because of the good things you did.
Come to think of it pare, everytime you try to bond with somebody and end up bonding with me - everytime you do that, you ask me about a certain girl you really like. I mean, first it was your classmate, di ba? And then, it was another classmate whose birthday is May, that right? And that time, you are about to be college. And what did I tell you, don't rush things, blah2x. Anyway, you'll get to meet many in college. Then, the next year - this is beginning to be an annual thing - you were trying to court this girl. Then this year, it is this girl still, this time, she's got a boyfriend na.
I remember I used to feel that same way too about a girl (That's a Nirvana song, ain't it?). As I told you, you have to enrich your world. Your world is bigger than what you think it is. The limit is only in your mind. When I was young, I used to feel so damn depressed about a girl, cursing heaven and hell and everything in between because of her. But as in the movie A Bug's Life. (or was it Antz?), all the hustling and bustling ended up with the last scene wherein the camera focused the whole world apart from their little ant hill. It's a big world out there. We are just so pissed with our little world that it seems it is over at the slightest thing. So that's my advice to you all out there. When it seems that the world has crumbled down on you, you look at the larger picture. There are more than 200 countries around the world, man (or girl). Your world is just Laguna? Or Sta. Rosa City? Or worse, San Lorenzo South Subdivision? What a pity.
And if by the slightest piece of crapness (forgive me for this), the whole world seems to be crumbling down, let me tell you that the universe is so big for all of us. As we talked in Physics, between our Galaxy and the Andromda, we can fit in 40 Milky Way. And we have more than 100 Billion stars in most of the 100 Billion galaxies in this whole wide cosmos. Your problem is infinitesimally SMALL. my man.
Look at the bright side. In every bad thing, we get to learn something good. I used to think that our stay is only for education. In every place. In every darn meeting. In every talk with people. That's how I believe still.
Why do I always end up with this?

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