This line came from Little Women. The one starred by Winona Ryder, Kirsten Dunst, Madeleine Stowe (who looked like Gloria Romero), Claire Danes (the one they banned in Manila for saying there are cockroaches all over the darn place - what a true thing to say anyway) and Susan Sarandon. It was showing yesterday at HBO. I was watching it before Luis came, so I wasn't able to finish it.
That line seems to be the favorite among the scientists/inventors. Indeed, when a thing seems to be necessary, that's when creativity sets in. When you realize how jackass the world is, because something that's supposed to be there is not there, that's when your mind gets really creative and then try to make something extraordinary to ordinary things. We have many examples in the whole history of human civilization. Where did the wheel came from? From ordinary rocks. And gradually these evolve and slowly but surely science evolved into what we have now as the computer age. And all these things are products of our thought-out necessity.
What is necessary for you? That we design a math curriculum from preschool to High School, so that people will learn to love math and not fear it? Or is it to have a nice house and a nice car with a nice and sexy girl friend? What is necessary for you? That will spell your invention.
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