Friday, December 30, 2005

Twenty Books That Changed My Life

The following books changed my life:
1. Ecclesiastes - The first book I ever read. In Tagalog at that
2. Think and Grow Rich - by Napoleon Hill. Nothing more to be said.
3. Summa Contra Gentiles - Actually, On the Truth of the Catholic Faith, an English translation. This is one of the two best written books of St. Thomas Aquinas, the other one being the Summa Theologiae. This is more philosophical and each article follows from a previous one.
4. Radio Replies - A Jesuit apologetic work that I read in part from the UST Library. It rocks. When you have anything to doubt about our faith, you may read this book - actually these are volumes of books on replies from radio queries to the Catholic Faith from the States, circa 1960s
5. Open Letter to Confused Catholic - This is the testing ground. Authored by Marcel Lefevbre, the schismatic archbishop from Econe, France. If you read this, your faith will be rocked. Anyway, I answered this in my Summary to Traditionalism, which I lost through the hard drive crash I experienced two or three years ago. The manuscript, I am still looking for it.
6. Poems and Sonnets - William Shakespeare
7. An Invitation to Wonder - Before One World, I read this book. This made me a philosopher. A bit inclined to Heidegger I opine.
8. Catcher in the Rye - I must have read this five times already, the last time before my father fell from a stroke. Very memorable.
9. Brother, My Brother - by Bienvenido Santos. It was given by my brother as a present.
10. History of Philosophy - Will Durant. Reading this is like going through 2000 years of humanity
11. Wall Street for Sale - a fundamentalist view on investing
12. Low Risk Investing - a starter on technical analysis
13. Stock Market Logic - econometrics, stock market research
14. Millionaire Next Door
15. Millionaire Mind
16. The Richest Man in Babylon
17. Teaching of Buddha - a chance encounter. I was sleeping on my former job's stockroom (as always - during lunch time) when I found this book there stucked between the big boxes for the 1988 and the 1989 SA/CA transactions. I always thought Buddha gave this to me
18. Embraced by the Light - A nice thought of after life. But I took it super seriously
19. Art of War - Sun Tzu
20. One World - when I wrote this, I realized what path I will pursue all my life.

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