Thursday, January 05, 2006

I got 4 in Instructional Leadership!!!

This morning, Andy called me and told me I got 4 in Instructional Leadership. It's my only lacking subject this past term. That's my 6th straight 4. This afternoon, I was telling myself that my Chinese numerology this year is 4 - the stuck number. This year, from my birthday in February, my number is 5 - depicting a travel, a promotion, or change of scenery.

Come to think of it, it's not a stuck year for me. I was promoted to become a principal this year, and earned 18 units in masters, with 6 straight 4s! Wow! That's some tall order. Perhaps, 4 does not represent stuck year. Perhaps, it was just predicting my average in my master's - 4/4! A reason to celebrate!!!

I am missing nga pala my wallet. Sana tomorrow, makita ko...

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